Field Research –
Fuel Cell Electric Trucks


Field research – FCET

Field Research

The successful adoption of Fuel Cell Electric Trucks (FCET) hinges on designing the right product, as an unsuitable product can hinder widespread acceptance for years. India's trucking market has unique characteristics, notably multi-axle rigid haulage trucks, setting it apart from global norms. The sector's evolutionary and informal nature makes it challenging to assess the requirements for FCET without conducting controlled pilots that explore various design options.

Due to the vast variations in geography, cargo types, road conditions, climate, driving and loading patterns, vehicles, and usage conditions across India, it's crucial to conduct pilots in diverse corridors that encompass these differences.

The major tasks for shortlisting FCET pilot corridors include identifying major freight corridors, collecting corridor-specific data, analyzing the data, and finally selecting the corridors for the pilots. The methodology involves, gathering truck traffic density data from multiple sources, identifying suitable corridors, defining data collection parameters, conducting field research in selected corridors, analyzing the results, and shortlisting top ten corridors. The deliverables of this field research involve obtaining detailed information for over 30 corridors, split into four projects conducted simultaneously.

Additionally, the research aims to gauge driver willingness for FCET adoption, measure energy consumption, assess driver responses, identify cargo limitations, and determine the proportion of hazardous goods transported.