

  • The Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India has created a well-deliberated articulated Technical Roadmap for effectively deploying Zero Emission Trucking in India.
  • There is a need to develop a detailed Policy Roadmap for Zero Emission Trucking broadly laying out the pathways to faster ZET adoption in India, including the major policy recommendations to bridge the fiscal and non-fiscal gaps for a smooth transition to electrification of the truck industry.
  • CoEZET provides support to the Government and Industry shortlisting the policy triggers to plan the various policies required to address the needs of various stakeholders such as truck owners, drivers, operators, shippers, OEMs, Suppliers, Aggregators, CassS & eMaaS providers, Central & State Governments.
  • ZET policies are still evolving, but governments worldwide are taking steps to promote the adoption of ZETs. As the technology for ZETs continues to improve and the cost of ZETs comes down, we can expect to see more and more governments adopting effective ZET policies