• The Government of Tamil Nadu has taken a historic step by announcing its eagerly anticipated Electric Vehicle (EV) Policy 2023, which aims to transform the state’s transportation system and move it toward a cleaner and more sustainable future.
  • The new policy establishes challenging goals to hasten the deployment of electric vehicles in numerous market areas. Tamil Nadu wants to have at least 50% of its roads covered by electric cars by 2025, including two-wheelers, three-wheelers, and commercial vehicles. The government has introduced a variety of incentives and subsidies to jumpstart the electric mobility revolution. One of these is a 100% exemption from the State Goods and Services Tax (SGST) for purchasers of electric vehicles until 2025. Additionally, no road tax will be charged on any electric vehicles registered during this time.
  • By providing incentives for constructing both public and private EV charging stations, the program also emphasizes strengthening the infrastructure for charging vehicles. This action is anticipated to address the lack of accessible charging stations, one of the major obstacles to adopting electric vehicles.
  • The Tamil Nadu EV Policy 2023 intends to strengthen the state’s economy and promote environmental sustainability. The goal of the program is to boost the overall development of the green economy by luring investments and encouraging innovation in the electric vehicle manufacturing industry.
  • The strategy promotes using solar electricity for charging stations in recognition of the synergies between electric mobility and renewable energy. To ensure the successful implementation of the policy’s objectives, the government wants to collaborate closely with leading figures in the sector, technological pioneers, start-ups, and other stakeholders.
  • Tamil Nadu wants to set an example for other governments and areas by introducing this innovative EV legislation by showcasing the potential for a sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation future. The state is addressing the problems of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as paving the way for technical advancement and economic progress, by adopting electric transportation.