Vision & Mission


  • To enable 100% Adoption of Zero Emission Trucks in India by 2050.
  • To establish ourselves as the primary focal point for all ZET initiatives and innovations in India, serving as the steadfast custodian of India-centric ZET technologies.
  • Become the nodal source for upskilling and reskilling across all echelons of ZET workforce for Just Transition, spanning from Engineers to Technicians.


  • Our Mission is to be an ENABLER of India ZET:
    • Energy Security and Emission Control through
    • New Products and Solutions – Work on new products and innovative solutions (Technical & Technological) for the ZET eco-system.
    • Awareness, Acceptance and Adoption of ZETs among the Trucking Community through Stakeholder engagement and Pilots in select corridors.
    • Bridging fiscal and non-fiscal gaps (a) through Policies – by providing policymaking support and (b) by developing new, innovative Business Models for Operators.
    • Learning and skill development support for the ZET eco-system.
    • Engagement through stakeholder confidence-building exercises and supporting them in their transition to ZET.
    • Regulations and Standards – Work with agencies concerned with drafting Regulations and Standards for the ZET eco-system.